Possible faults in high-temperature environments:

Possible faults in high-temperature environments:

01 Hydraulic system malfunction:

Hydraulic systems often experience malfunctions such as pipe bursts, joint oil leaks, burnt solenoid valve coils, hydraulic valve jamming, and high noise in high-temperature environments;

The system using an accumulator may be damaged due to high hydraulic oil temperature;

Circuits that age in summer are more prone to cracking due to the thermal expansion and contraction of metals, resulting in short circuit faults;

The electrical components in the control cabinet are also prone to malfunctions during high temperature seasons, and key control components such as industrial control computers and PLCs may also experience malfunctions such as crashes, slow operation speed, and control failures.

02 Lubrication system malfunction:

Long term operation of construction machinery at high temperatures will lead to poor lubrication system performance, oil deterioration, and easy wear of various transmission systems such as the chassis. At the same time, it will have an impact on the appearance paint layer, brake system, clutch, throttle control system, and metal structure.

03 Engine malfunction:

Under high temperature conditions, it is easy to cause the engine to "boil", causing a decrease in the viscosity of the engine oil, leading to cylinder pulling, tile burning, and other faults. At the same time, it also reduces the output power of the engine.

The continuous high temperature has strict requirements for the permeability of the radiator, requiring the cooling system to operate continuously at high loads, reducing the lifespan of cooling system components such as fans and water pumps. Frequent use of air conditioning compressors and fans can also easily lead to their failure.

04 Other component failures:

In summer, with high temperatures and humidity, if the air vent of the battery is blocked, it will explode due to an increase in internal pressure;

Summer tires working in high temperature environments not only exacerbate tire wear, but also cause tire explosions due to an increase in internal air pressure;

The transmission belt will become longer in summer, which can lead to transmission slipping, accelerated wear, and failure to adjust in a timely manner can lead to belt breakage and other faults;

Small cracks in the cab glass can cause cracks to expand or even explode in summer due to large temperature differences or splashing of water inside and outside.

Post time: Sep-12-2023